The Syracuse

Pulp & Paper Foundation

Pulp & Paper Foundation

The heart of the foundation’s work is our student scholarship program. With college enrollment declining and education costs rising nationwide, the need to entice topnotch talent to our industry is paramount to its survival and prosperity.

By providing scholarships to dedicated student leaders, the Foundation has strengthened the college’s Paper and Bioprocess Engineering faculty and increased enrollment of top students from around the nation and the world. nationwide, the need to entice topnotch talent to our industry is paramount to its survival and prosperity.

Foundation Goals:

  • To encourage students in the study of paper science and engineering;
  • To provide financial assistance in the form of scholarships, grants, and loans, including loans without interest or other charges, for students who enroll in paper science and engineering;
  • To provide an opportunity for alumni and interested leaders of the pulp and paper and allied industries to strengthen the paper science and engineering curriculum;
  • To further fundamental and applied research of importance to the pulp, paper, and allied industries through special grants and fellowships;
  • To provide a means of liaison and communication between paper science and engineering academic personnel and the pulp, paper, and allied industries

Endowment Program

Learn how your company can play an active role in supporting the leaders of tomorrow in the paper industry through the Syracuse Pulp and Paper Foundation Endowment Program. Membership includes corporate sponsors, equipment donors, alumni donors, and interested individuals. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors elected at the annual meeting held in Syracuse each October. Officers are elected by the Board of Directors. Standing committees composed of directors, corporate representatives, individual members, faculty members, and ESF administration advise the Board of Directors.

Good Reasons for Supporting the SPPF

  • To provide graduates who are technically trained and ready to work in the industry.
  • Access to research and programs at one of the finest institutions in U.S. for forest products.
  • Close interaction with Paper and Bioprocess Engineering faculty.
  • Annual meeting program with technical seminar and speech by top industry leader.
  • Membership acknowledged in local and industry publications.
  • Great return on investment.